About Me

Data Scientist. HCI Researcher. Senior researcher at the Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Institute for Basic Science (IBS). Very interested in understanding and designing human interactions with artificial intelligence systems. Involved in explaining and predicting human behaviors through data analysis. Worked as a Samsung Electronics Brand Marketer and Senior Account Planner at Innocean Worldwide (Hyundai Motor Company’s global marketing communication enterprise). Heavy Music Listener. Love reading books, swimming, and walking.

Research Interests

Understanding and designing human interactions with artificial intelligence systems, Solving challenging social science problems (e.g., hate speech, AI ethics, and misinformation) using computational methods, and explaining and predicting unknown behavior by analyzing data


Our recent study “Detecting Offensive Language in an Open Chatbot Platform” was accepted in International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2024)!.

Our recent study “Context-Aware Offensive Language Detection in Human-Chatbot Conversations” was accepted in IEEE international Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp 2024).

Our research paper titled “Detecting Offensive Language in an Open Chatbot Platform” received outstanding paper awards from the the Korean Artificial Intelligence Association.

My study “The Potential of Chatbots for Emotional Support and Promoting Mental Well-Being in Different Cultures” was published by the Journal of Medical Internet Research (impact factor: 7.4, Q1, 97.6%, 20th Oct 2023)

Selected as a Rising Star Researcher for 2023 at the Google & KAIST ExploreCSR Tech Seminar. Feb 2023.

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